miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

#28? Breaking the habit.

Food crap....

I've been eating, fasting, pigging out, fasting, etc...
And god bless the plateau.
I mean, I don't like plateaus, but my recently adquired eating habits would lead me to nothing but weight gain if it wasn't for the holy plateau.
(And the fasting after pigging)

But, I must stop that "binge/fast/binge" shit right now.
Especially if I intend to fuck half japanese super hottie.

I mean, Im always brawling about weightloss being a very personal thing, and should be done to please no one but yourself.
But, I don't like getting intimate with people if Im fat.
Not because of what they might think, but what I think of me.
I disgust me.

So in order to disgust me a little less so I can fuck half japanese without grossing me out, I must stop this.
I must break the habit.

1 comentario:

  1. I know! The binging-purging cinfernal circle is the WORST thing about ED. It's so hard to snap out of it.

    But you will do it. You just need to keep strong and push your feet hard on the breaks.

    Good luck with the hot half japanese guys ;)
